Tuesday, August 30, 2005

hard to sink! -meraj

my first time. i dont know what to write. so i shall start by trying to write what i am thinking, which is again coming back to 'what to write'. just read some nice things from the ol' boy and a couple of cute spread of words from a girl who seems to have travelled a lot on BEST. and see...im beginning to write my thoughts...a good beginning....wotsay folks??? (ive got a thing for 3 dots...so please bear with me...oops them!)

lousy bad boy

groan. Sorro bout getting you drunk, Mr Kent old boy, but I honestly couldn't have assisted. Am still feeling disoriented with the little I had - it spoils my mood and pretty much ruins all chances of sleep. So now I think it's finally time to put me (right) foot down and say no. Next time, how about a nice thick creamy chocolate milkshake instead!

Mishin me shleepin.

(Swami Something wishes to remind you again; sleep is not a waste of time. You strive all day in pursuit of happiness forgetting you were comfortably happy before you got off bed in the first place!)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Back Pages :)


There go another five minutes of your only life.

(now do you understand ?!)

..to make some music, read a book, or just lie in bed and smile,
knowing that all those years gone by were all worth my while..

Saturday, August 13, 2005

..and another beginning..

"Time flies like an arrow"

That was how my first lecture on Cognitive Psychology started.. it was the January of '99. I must've attended four of the forty lectures - give or take a couple. Don't remember anything except for the profee listing many many interpretations of the statement. I got a bad memory. But then, its been six years.. So many seasons, aspirations, hopes and desires.. accomplished and forgotten.

And now I sit here at work on a holiday. Waiting watching waiting. Soon the computer will finish doing what it has been doing. Then I'll take a local to VT and go home.

Home is where the guitar is.

Joni's been playing in my head:
   '..and the seasons they go round and round
   and the painted ponies go up and down.
   We’re captive on the carousel of time
   We can’t return we can only look behind
   from where we came
   and go round and round and round
   in the circle game.' - Joni Mitchell (The Circle Game)