Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Delicate is

not just powdery butterfly wings, or
catching floating soap bubbles, or
boiling tea leaves till the tannin is just right, or even
playing every artificial harmonic. but also
adjusting a Philips gramophone needle,
holding a thinly wine-glass (right before you've broken it),
finding fluttering eyelashes with your cheek, while
patiently mending a broken heart.


Figurines of glass said...

it's beautiful...and it's so you alright...though i dont think the word for it is 'delicate'..i think the word for it is 'sensitive' can be patient with delicate things, and one can be patient because one cares...

meraj said...

i can visualize a miniaturist (My Name Is Red)sitting with concentration and trying mend...the piercing needle will be painful, yet he (and not she) has to mend it

Brown Weed said...

actually i don't visualize it as a sewing. i think of it like setting back every piece into its designated place, like a tessellating jigsaw puzzle.

when it is all done, there'll be a yellow aura that'll surround it a while and tada - it's whole and full again!

meraj said...

perhaps its my love for morose which made me see it like the way i mentioned.

i love your version though :)

ALIen said...

does all that is delicate has pain behind..??

Kits said...

Omg these lines grip my heart- finding fluttering eyelashes with your cheek, while patiently mending a broken heart...bootiful