Monday, September 06, 2010

The Awakening

Last night I had a wondrous dream! I saw a Utopia ruled by a respected and capable king. The leader did not get mired in daily planning or execution. He only ascertained that he allocated the right responsibility to every individual. All his planning was done by his circle of judges, who with their clarity in thought and keen sense of right and wrong laid out the moral fabric for the kingdom. These judges in turn had their teams of investigators and researchers who would unrelentingly accumulate and analyze data without fatigue or distraction from worldly charms. The creative artists penned and composed to express their deepest heartfelt emotion. The performers played out their acts to perfection for achievement and for admiration. The entrepreneurs set up enterprises seeking new thrills and adventures. The dedicated loyalists worked for select institutions and establishments, always reliable and dependable towards their cause. The helpers worked charitably, selflessly assisting and nurturing the underprivileged, while the peaceful laid-back mediators, well, they clapped merrily, singing, laughing, dancing and being a friend to one and all.

I woke up smiling, seeing this design repeated everywhere and at every scale. And I said to myself, 'What a wonderful world!'

(Take the free enneagram test to know your principal and secondary motivational types.)


Pooja Nair said...

u have it all worked out in your head now! good to see! :)

Kercie said...

Utopia & underprivileged? Me thinks shades of reality creeps into your utopian world.....don't know about a wonderful world but definitely a wonderful dream....'to dream an impossible dream'..... and why not!! Your grasp should be greater than your reach......etc. etc. if not in a waking state than at least in our dreams.

Brown Weed said...

yes, you are right. underprivileged was a wrong word. what i meant was, those that needed helping, instead of those that did not. something on the lines of needy or hindered. glad you pointed it out.

nkshirsa said...

loved the picture.

Brown Weed said...

ah. mr green is back!

Krishna Reddy said...

Yess! Dude :) U dare to dream the "I-m-possible"!