"Think we all got it under control.. won't get strung out. This rarely works. I'm living proof. But in the end, you've just gotta see the junk as another 9-5 gig, the hours are just a bit more inclined to shadows." - Jim Carroll (in The Basketball diaries)
Watched V for Vendetta.. orible orrrible orrrribbble!!
(Bought tickets to Being Cyrus for dad while Mom and Mousey were smsing from Dubai)
3 weeks ago
The King...the Kong!!!!
How was ham with cheese....
Ya must be cheesin' now....
I am also cheesin'...Got codeine down on the way to office
But in the end, you've just gotta see the junk as another 9-5 gig, the hours are just a bit more inclined to shadows." - Jim Carroll (in The Basketball diaries)
thats the line reflecting the yesteryears...love the line!
codeine, wine{port/picardo chilled}, cheese makes an awesome 3some!
"Think we all got it under control.. won't get strung out. This rarely works.."
Came across your blog a few days ago. It's been a while. How have you been? Your email address? Dilshad (Marolia)
I think I'll see for myself whether its orible orrrible orrrribbbble... :) just like I found out that Aeonflux is oribler orrribler orrrribbbbler.
I'm pretty sure V for Vendetta is good... with so many superhero movies coming along... I'll be busy squirming in my seat for the next 2 months (yay!)...
Hi Dilshad, I'm very well and I've been very well too!! Yes, it has been a while (we all did see your wedding photographs - last year na?)
My ID is fmarolia and I'm currently using gmail.
Chalo. Have a nice day!
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